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PK 15 :: Sammlung Susy und Konrad Huber (Fonds)

Reference CodePK 15
TitleSammlung Susy und Konrad Huber
1880 – 1929
Level of DescriptionFonds
Immediate Source of Acquisition or Transfer
16th Mar 2003 (als Schenkung)
Content and Structure Area
Scope and content

enthält 96 Karten (AO-B 1425 bis AO-B 1520)

Description Control
Created2022-05-01 13:57:22 / bzimmermann
Updated2022-05-13 06:53:13 / bzimmermann  


Identifier Title Date Level of description Other information
PK 15/1 Correspondenz - Karte; Martin Luther verbrennt die Bannbulle Decet Romanum Pontificem 1910 Item digitized
PK 15/2 Correspondenz - Karte: Montafoner Volkstrachten 21st Dec 1919 Item digitized
PK 15/3 8359. Ragaz. Taminafall 20th Aug 1917 Item digitized
PK 15/4 Lauterbrunnen mit Staubbach no date Item digitized
PK 15/5 Jungfrau von Interlaken aus no date Item digitized
PK 15/6 Felsengalerie auf der Luziensteig 1907 Item digitized
PK 15/7 Nr. 7 Dorfansicht. Dorf unbekannt no date Item digitized
PK 15/8 Aareschlucht mit Schrayenbachfall 17th Jul 1901 Item digitized
PK 15/9 Schloss Arenenberg no date Item digitized
PK 15/10 Zürich. Quaibrücke mit Uetliberg 9th Feb 1917 Item digitized
PK 15/11 2220 Le Breithorn 4171 m.ü.M. no date Item digitized
PK 15/12 Bodensee und Rhein aus der Vogelschau 1918 Item digitized
PK 15/13 Berninabahn auf der Passhöhe 25th Mar 1919 Item digitized
PK 15/14 330 Gorges de l’ Areuse. La pierre suspendue 1913 Item digitized
PK 15/15 Steinerner Tisch 10th May 1908 Item digitized
PK 15/16 Pension Wartenstein no date Item digitized
PK 15/17 6012 Isola Bella no date Item digitized
PK 15/18 Andenken vom 1. August 1916 1st Aug 1916 Item digitized
PK 15/19 “Unser täglich Brot gib uns heute” no date Item digitized
PK 15/20 The Stadium. Franco-British Exhibition. 1908 Item digitized
PK 15/21 Th “Flip - Flap”. Franco-British Exhibition 1908 Item digitized
PK 15/22 Bird’s Eye View of Court of Honour. Franco-British Exhibition 1908 Item digitized
PK 15/23 Roma. Castel S. Angelo e Tevere - Veduta moderna 4th Sep 1911 Item digitized
PK 15/24 Grand Hôtel Miramare et la Ville GÊNES 14th Jun 1924 Item digitized
PK 15/25 Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway d’ Angleterre. The Holme, Holme Station. L. & Y. Railway 1907 Item digitized
1 to 25 from 96 Entries